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Maike and Jordie answer questions

Easter break has gone away and we can start counting the matches until the season is ending. Summer is loading… In the meantime, the countdown to Koningsdag has started. Brace yourselves! The last two years have called and they want their parties organized tomorrow.

But let's get to the subject. Between matches, moving to a new city, renovating an apartment, traveling to Amsterdam to practice or play, and planning a wedding, they made some time to answer our questions. Meet Maike and Jordie.

US: Hi! Thanks for putting us in your tight schedule. I'll first ask what everyone wants to find out. What plans do you have for the next years in terms of sports in general and handball in particular?

Maike: I’m not sure yet, but will probably join a gym, try boxing or maybe CrossFit? It doesn’t feel right to leave US and join another club, my handball years are over.

Jordie: I’ll try to play a bit of tennis, hopefully Kimberly can help me get back up to speed. And so far I don’t mind driving to Sporthallen Zuid to join the practice on Thursday, but not sure if I’ll keep doing that next year.

US: For sure you'll miss US. By the way, what's your best and worst memory of your time here?

M: Of course I’ll miss US! My best memories are related to all the fun pijp-nights, tournaments and the gala! Worst memory…!? I think coaching a team with 2 torn ACLs in one match.

J: My most fun year at US was when I was part of the StuCo. The meetings and especially the parties and tournaments were a lot of fun! My worst memory is about the last match we lost, I guess I forgot the other ones.

US: And how and when did you join the club?

M: I joined US in 2013. After a break from handball for three years, I really missed it and joined some practices. I really enjoyed playing handball again and of course the social part. I played with my friends from lower school for 10 years and wasn’t ready to join a new club immediately after moving to Amsterdam.

J: I moved to Amsterdam to study for a master’s degree. Luckily it was much easier to find US than it was to find a room to rent. It was in 2012 I believe and I still got to practice in the old Wibauthal. I remember because we didn’t have to clean after using glue, those were good times.

US: So you met each other here, right? Who asked who out?

M: Jordie asked me out after we talked at a party of one of the old club members. We went to Floor17 for drinks, somewhere we ended up having a lot of drinks and cocktails together in the last couple of years!

J: That’s a true story…

US: You both coached teams in the club. What do you like more, playing or coaching?

M: I used to enjoy playing more than coaching. When I got older, I got more afraid of injuries and more frustrated from opposite teams playing unfair. I still enjoy training and being part of a team which makes coaching the perfect position for me.

J: To me playing handball is a hundred times more fun than coaching, which says more about how much I love playing the game. Coaching was a nice break from over 15 seasons in a row of playing handball, and I count myself lucky to have gotten the chance to coach a bunch of awesome guys. But playing handball is just the best.

US: What is your advice for people who want to play handball in Amsterdam?

M: Join US!

J: And don’t get a place in West. You have to bike waaay too far to the sports hall.

US: Thanks! Now get ready for the blitzkrieg round.

US: Best city in the Netherlands?

M: Amsterdam

J: Rotterdam

US: A glass of wine with your thoughts or a bottle of beer with some friends?

M: Beer with friends

J: Beer with friends

US: Car or bike?

M: Motorbike!

J: I’ll choose anything over the bicycle, unless it’s electric

US: If you could have any superhero power, what would you choose?

M: Teleportation

J: Whatever super power Luc Steins has

US: Favorite song to listen while renovating or tidying up an apartment?

M: Meatloaf – Paradise by the dashboard light

J: Free – All right now

US: Breakfast by Maike or dinner by Jordie?

M: Dinner by Jordie

J: Hard to tell, it’s been so long that I can’t remember anymore what breakfast by Maike tastes like

US: Describe your US experience in 3 words.

M: Fun, social, party

J: Pretty f**king awesome!

Awesome! They sound like true friends of US, right?

And talking about friends of US, have you heard about Vrienden van US?

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