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  • julianeisel

Training Schedule 2024/2025

The technical committee presents the training schedule for the upcoming season. At US training times change every month to distribute hall times fairly across teams.

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New: Sporthal Bajeskwartier

This season we added a Tuesday training time in the newly built Sporthal Bajeskwartier just south of Amstelstation. This gives us the opportunity to provide two training sessions to all teams, since H3/4 only had a single training in previous seasons. Adding a new training and location adds some challenges but we are happy to take these on to provide more training to our teams. Also important: This is a non-glue hall.

How the schedule is made

Months have varying amounts of Tuesdays and Thursdays. Therefore, each year, we adjust the training schedule to keep it as fair as possible. Like for past seasons, we didn’t just count the months every team gets in each time slot (e.g. “non-selection has the middle slot for X months”). We use the exact number of trainings in each hall each month (e.g. “non-selection has exactly Y middle slot trainings in ACH”). With that, we distribute training times in a way that there’s a good balance between all criteria, for example distribution of cleaning duties after training for the selection teams. It takes effort, but players seem to like this careful approach to the schedule.

Good to know

  • Ladies non-selection will use Sporthal Bajeskwartier as well in the months that they would otherwise have a late training in ACH. This helps keep the gents non-selection connected with other training groups. It also moves the late training for non-selection ladies 30 minutes earlier (Starting at 21:00 instead of 21:30).

  • The Friday evening hall time (used for the newbies and goalkeeper/specialist trainings) is canceled, it was barely used last season.

  • Non-selection usually gets more middle slots, this year we even managed a fair schedule and were able to put these middle slots mostly during the competition period, because we usually see a higher attendance in those months.

  • As per preference of the training group, ladies selection has more of the early training times, gents selection more of the late times.

  • Cleaning is spread evenly between gents (33 times) and ladies (32 times) selection groups.

A lot of thought goes into this schedule, there are many variables to consider. The technical committee is pleased with the result for this season; a good balance of factors.


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