Handball in Amsterdam
Welcome to U.S. Handball, the most fun handball club in Amsterdam. Here we provide you with the most important information about our club in English. Want to join? Please contact us (secretaris@ushandbal.nl).
Our club
U.S. is a internationally oriented club in the city center of Amsterdam. We are a student club, but being a student is not mandatory to join our club. Having fun on and off the field is however a big part of our club. With many (international) students and expats, we are a club with a welcoming atmosphere.
At this moment we have 5 men’s, 6 ladies teams and a training for newbies. The level varies from Second Division to recreational level. So there will be a team at your level!
Don't want to play in the competition, but you just want to train? There are possibilities for a training membership.
Practice starts mid August and continues until the end of June. Competitions start in October for most teams and continues until the end of March. After the competition ends, it’s time for training sessions and tournaments.
Besides playing handball, we like to enjoy ourselves during one of the many social activities: parties, regular nights out, mix tournaments, a walking dinner, the Batavieren running race and many more.

Are you interested in playing with US? It's always possible to join for a training and see how you like it. Send an email to secretaris@ushandbal.nl and give us an indication of your level of playing. The secretary will tell you which training group will be good for you and will inform you about the training schedule.
Are you sure you want to sign up? Sign up here.
Seniors: € 355
Students: € 266
Training members: € 195
Registration fee: € 20
Players of the selection teams pay €17,50 extra because of cleaning costs due to resin use
Unsubscribing is possible till the 31st of May by emailing the secretary. After this date, it won't be possible to sign out without any costs. If you haven't unsubscribed you will automatically be a member for the following season.
Unsubscribing during the season will not lead to restitution of money.
The registration fee will also apply when unsubscribing at the end of a season and subscribing at the following season.
For registrations after 1 January, the membership fee will be reduced, pending circumstances.
The contribution will be automatically deducted from your bank account.This either happens in one term (November) or two terms (November and February).
Training times
Training times vary each month. The schedule gives an overview. Doesn’t make sense? Send an email to secretaris@ushandbal.nl.
Do you want to try out if handball is for you? Come find out at a training (3 times without any costs, after you could sign up with the nicest club of Amsterdam!

Training locations
Training sessions take place in the Amstel Campus Hall (East, Tuesdays and Fridays) and Sporthallen Zuid (South, Thursdays). Competition matches are played in the Amstel Campus Hall and Sporthal De Pijp.
Amstel Campus Hal
2e Boerhaavestraat
101091 AN, Amsterdam
Sporthal de Pijp
Lizzy Ansinghstraat
881072 RD, Amsterdam
Sporthallen Zuid
Burgerweeshuispad 54
1076 EP Amsterdam
Referee and match secretary
No match without a referee. Therefore we find it important that every player is familiar with the rules and respects the referee.
Every season there are tasks that need to be fulfilled by all teams, such as arranging the match table or whistling a match. Depending on the level of the team, you lead some matches.
In the beginning of the season, we organize a referee course. Everyone is welcome to join. However, from teams playing in the 2nd class or higher, at least one team member is obligated to participate. The course consist out of both theory- and practice evenings and you will be supported by an experienced referee who will provide you with feedback and support during the matches.
This course will provide you with a certificate for 'verenigingsscheidsrechter'. Do you want to continue? You can do a course to become 'bondsscheidsrechter'. Questions? vicevoorzitter@ushandbal.nl
Besides, every member takes care of the timekeeping a number of times per season. Keep this in mind if it’s your turn.
Make sure you are on time
Make sure you know how the clock works beforehand
Take pen and paper with you to note any cards or time penalties
Meet the referee, keep your focus and take your job serious. After all, you’re the referee’s assistant
Find U.S. clothing and other items in our club webshop.
Privacy Statement
US Handball is committed to the protection of your personal data. In this privacy statement we want to provide clear and transparent information about how we handle personal data. We are explaining how we deal with your personal data, which rights you have and how you can stand against the processing of your personal data. US Handball is anyways subject to applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation. If you have any questions and/or comments regarding this statement, do not hesitate to send an e-mail to secretaris@ushandbal.nl.
Trust person
Our trust contact person is Caroline Retabi.
US Handbal wants a good and safe sports climate, where we want to prevent transgressive behavior. The trust contact person offers players, trainers, volunteers and other members the opportunity to talk about transgressive behavior in confidence. This may include issues such as (sexual) harassment, bullying, aggression and discrimination. The trust contact person also helps the board to prevent intimidation in the club.
You can report this or make an appointment by calling +31 627574279 or by sending an email to trustperson@ushandbal.nl. The trust contact person will initially act as a sounding board and can help you find a solution. You can also contact the board directly (bestuur@ushandbal.nl) or the trust contact persons at the NHV (vcp@handbal.nl).
If you prefer to talk to someone who is in no way connected to US Handbal, you can contact the Sports Confidential Point of the NOC*NSF via 0900-2025590 (Mon. to Fri. from 08.00 to 20.00) or vertrouwenspuntsport@nocnsf.nl.
Code of Conduct (download here in pdf)
This the code of conduct for US Handbal Amsterdam. It is expected that each member and trainer/coach will abide by these rules and hold others accountable. Failure to do so will result in consequences.
We encourage open communication to create a safe and welcoming environment. If you are asked to do something that goes against your own feelings, norms and values: report this, for example to the board. For questions and reports, you can also contact the ‘Centrum Veilige Sport Nederland’ (0900-2025590 or centrumveiligesport@nocnsf.nl)
We have respect for everyone. We don’t make disrespectful comments about others based on appearance, sexual preference, nationality, religion or background, online or offline.
We only enter someone’s personal space or touch someone with consent. It’s not allowed to share private information, pictures or documents of others that could emotionally damage them, online or offline.
We do not abuse our position of power and we treat everyone equally.
We are fair and sportsmanlike. Verbal and physical violence is not tolerated on and off the field.
We are aware that our actions may be perceived differently by others.
We don’t pressure or coerce others into any action with which they feel uncomfortable.
If you see or hear something that goes against the rules of conduct, speak up and report violations of this code of conduct. Report violations of this code to the board and/or the trust contact person of the club (trustperson@ushandbal.nl). For questions and reports, you can also contact the Centrum Veilige Sport Nederland.
The board can take action when rules are not followed. This may be through a warning, a conversation or in worse cases, a suspension.
If you have any question or remarks, please contact us.
General contact
Vice President
Match Secretary
Post address:
2e Boerhaavestraat 10
1091 AN Amsterdam
Questions about the website or submit a report? redactie@ushandbal.nl